bozeman antifa

Backyard Community Theater with Warmth from The 408

October 13, 2023, was such a frigid night on the remarkable backyard stage/skate ramp – christened “The 408” – hosted by Phaidra and Ryan, and yet I could not feel warmer in my heart to be performing with my friends. Many people have this idea that artistic performance is only for those who can do …

Backyard Community Theater with Warmth from The 408 Read More »

BAD Soroptomist Street Dancing

BAD dances to the song “In the City” by Lifeguard in Bozeman’s Soroptomist Park on September 16, 2023. We recently podcasted about dance as an anti-fascist and revolutionary tactic. Check us out and contact us to let us know if you want to dance with us and WHEN you can. We’ll figure out a way …

BAD Soroptomist Street Dancing Read More »

The BAD PODCAST – Antifa as Revolutionary Nonconformity in Dance, Theater, and Respect for Unhoused Neighbors

This is our 10th episode, and we (Aly and Jim) go into our roots as an antifa dance (& theatre) collective, discussing why we believe what we do in street dancing, art, and theater are revolutionary antifascist activities just as vital to a revolutionary movement as other forms of direct action. We play around with …

The BAD PODCAST – Antifa as Revolutionary Nonconformity in Dance, Theater, and Respect for Unhoused Neighbors Read More »