Bozeman dance

Dance with Us Every Sunday at 1 PM

(Click image for bigger downloadable jpg) (download PDF flyer) BAD is dancing every Sunday at 1 PM until further notice (at Soroptimist Park at Main and Rouse – if we change it up, we’ll let you know)! Join us at these free dances. You don’t need to know how to dance.  We just dance. ALL …

Dance with Us Every Sunday at 1 PM Read More »

Dance with Us Every Wednesday!

(download pdf flyer; download hi-res image) BAD is dancing every Wednesday over the next four weeks (11/29, 12/6/, 12/13, 12/20)! Join us at these free dances. You don’t need to know how to dance.  We just dance. ALL DANCING IS GOOD DANCING! There are some things you should know or some questions you might have, …

Dance with Us Every Wednesday! Read More »

Contact Improv and Slow Dancing in Soroptomist

Today was as lovely a day as ever to move and meet personal edges from within community. Here, Jim and I (Aly) are seen adding some Contact Improv elements to our open dancing in Soroptomist Park. Our dancing is always improvised, but generally in a more individual sense than we are showing here. I have …

Contact Improv and Slow Dancing in Soroptomist Read More »

BAD Soroptomist Street Dancing

BAD dances to the song “In the City” by Lifeguard in Bozeman’s Soroptomist Park on September 16, 2023. We recently podcasted about dance as an anti-fascist and revolutionary tactic. Check us out and contact us to let us know if you want to dance with us and WHEN you can. We’ll figure out a way …

BAD Soroptomist Street Dancing Read More »

Free Public Dance 8/31 6PM @ Soroptomist Park (and Why I Dance)

On Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 6PM, my friend Aly and I invite you to dance with us in public at Soroptomist Park (Rouse and Main). There is no cost, no dance experience required, and no moves to learn. If you are respectful of yourself, other dancers, and the community in and around the park, …

Free Public Dance 8/31 6PM @ Soroptomist Park (and Why I Dance) Read More »