Bozeman ecstatic dance

The BAD PODCAST – Dance with Us (Like, Right Now!)

This is the podcast to watch and dance to (not simply to listen to). Aly and I (Jim) show an hour of us dancing in public so you can see what it looks and feels like. Between sets, we talk about dancing, how you can dance with us, and just what goes on in the …

The BAD PODCAST – Dance with Us (Like, Right Now!) Read More »

BAD Soroptomist Street Dancing

BAD dances to the song “In the City” by Lifeguard in Bozeman’s Soroptomist Park on September 16, 2023. We recently podcasted about dance as an anti-fascist and revolutionary tactic. Check us out and contact us to let us know if you want to dance with us and WHEN you can. We’ll figure out a way …

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